A Little About Me...

I'm Becky... a teacher, adventure-seeker, nanny, tree climber, tutor, science inspired craft maker, and a mom to a very active toddler. The most common question I get from kids is, "Do you ever get angry?" and the most common question I get from parents is, "Do you have any availability?" 

I am still considered a new mom, but I have spent my life investing in the next generation and I plan on continuing that as long as possible.  Even though I knew from a young age that I wanted to work with children, it took me almost 10 years after graduating from college to finally make a career out of it. 

And after 10 years, I couldn't imagine doing anything else! 

Taking care of kids is fun, freeing, and rewarding. Helping other people is what I've always LOVED doing and now I've found even more ways to come alongside parents and families to support them as they move forward on their journey towards bringing peace and calm into their homes.

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