While I get set up here, check out my free Facebook Group: Nanny Hacks for Busy Moms.

It is a group for busy moms… or anyone else trying to take care of kids. You can expect to get practical, simple solutions to everyday situations that everyone is dealing with. Being a nanny for over half my life and a teacher for almost 10 years, I’ve picked up a few helpful tricks along the way: from helping calm fussy babies to helping middle schoolers form healthy study habits. I’ll even help you find sleep solutions for your whole family!

I see so many stressed out, busy moms and it doesn’t have to be that way! If you want to enjoy your family, feel appreciated, and be present for your life, this is the perfect place for you.

I’ve taken care of kids from 0-17 and I think it’s FUN! I want to help you find the fun. I want to help your kids feel understood, loved, safe, and listened to. Because, guess what? When those things happen, they are SO much more likely to listen to YOU!

Click the join group button to learn and share and support each other along this journey of parenthood!