I Hate Poopy Diapers: The Basics of Elimination Communication
Do you hate changing poopy diapers?

Are you looking for a gentle way to help your baby learn how to use the potty?

If so, elimination communication (EC) is a great option to consider!

Why EC? 

• Fewer poopy diapers & fewer diapers overall: Through recognizing your baby’s cues & natural timing, you’ll end up saving countless diapers. As a newborn, my son ended up going through sometimes FOUR diapers (plus a changing mat or 2) during one change. That’s what pushed me to finally go for it with EC.
• Less frequent diaper rash: Since your baby won’t be in wet or dirty diapers as often, there’s less chance of developing diaper rash!
• Cost savings: With fewer diapers needed, the savings add up quickly… and I don’t know a mom who doesn’t love saving money!
• Environmentally friendly: EC reduces waste from disposable diapers (since you’re using less).
• Bonding with your baby: The communication you learn from practicing EC can help you feel connected and in tune with your baby’s needs. Plus, it helps you pick up other nonverbal signals from your little one. (I also encourage teaching sign language early on!)

So… What exactly is EC?
It’s an intuitive parenting method that helps you learn and respond to your baby’s cues involving the potty. This usually means holding your baby over the toilet or other baby potties so they can pee or poop in a potty instead of their diaper. The long term goal is for babies to recognize their own body’s signals and communicate those needs with caregivers. However, that definitely takes time and in the beginning, it is almost exclusively the parent giving their baby opportunities to use the potty because they recognize their cues and natural potty timing.
How do you know when to start and what do you do first?
The best time to start EC really only depends on when you’re ready. Personally, I recommend starting as soon as you’re able, while giving yourself and your baby grace in the whole process. Most experts recommend starting before 4-6 months old because after that, their reflexes are more developed making it slightly more difficult (but not impossible) to get started.

Step 1: Hold your baby on a baby potty or over the toilet at each diaper change. Babies pee and poop so much at this age that by just doing that, you’re bound to catch a few in the potty (rather than on your face, if you have a boy!).
Step 2: Take time to observe your baby. You’ll notice patterns in behavior (maybe crying or fussing before eliminating), body language (often facial expressions), and natural timing of when your baby eliminates.
Step 3: Don’t give up! This is really the most important one. I only practice with my son part-time (as often as we can) and we’ve still saved ourselves from SOOOO many poopy diapers.

What questions do you still have about EC? Do you think you’ll give it a try?


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