5 Easy, Fun, and Educational Activities for Kids

5 Easy, Fun, and Educational Activities for Kids
Coming up with activities to keep your kids busy- and learning- can be exhausting if you’re not used to it. This week try choosing one of the activities I’ve described below and each week you can try something new. Come back often for new ideas every week!

Make your own “Oobleck” – I love it when a good book inspires some fun science at home! At some point since it was written, Bartholomew and the Oobleck, written by  Dr. Seuss got connected to a non-Newtonian fluid (basically a substance that acts like a liquid and a solid). Grab the book at your local library, then invite your kids to help you make your own Oobleck at home! You just need...

How to Get Your Kids to Listen Without Yelling

How to Get Your Kids to Listen Without Yelling
Let’s face it- raising kids isn't easy. As parents and caregivers, it can be easy to resort to yelling because it feels like nothing else has worked. But, no one really LIKES yelling, and there are other, more effective ways to reach your children. Here are some tips for getting your kids to listen without yelling.

Lead by Example
I can’t count the number of times a parent has come to me, somewhat baffled, as to why their kids are whining or yelling or ignoring them or whatever other breakdown of communication. Then, after a few days getting to know the family, the answer becomes clear: Your children are whining and complaining because they observe you doing it. *cringe* It’s hard to hear, but is often the case. Children learn by example....