How do I Keep My Baby Self-Entertained?

How do I Keep My Baby Self-Entertained?
Being a new parent can be both exciting and kind of intimidating. You want your child to have fun, but you’re worried about their development and sleep and how often they’re eating and sometimes just surviving, yourself.  Thinking of ways to keep your baby entertained while not going crazy can just add to the overwhelm. The good news about babies is that everything is new and they are learning constantly, just by observing the world around them. As long as you’re engaging with your little one throughout the day, they are getting what they need to thrive.

Start Simple:

What to do with Preschoolers Inside

What to do with Preschoolers Inside
As a parent, it's so easy to be overwhelmed by the idea of entertaining your preschooler while stuck inside… whether it’s due to the weather or illness or anything else! Don't worry, though! I’m here to help. There are lots of fun and creative indoor activities that’ll keep your little ones busy and engaged. You might even end up with a few minutes to yourself to get other things done! Here are 3 ideas to get you started: 

1. Arts & Crafts – I know it sounds generic, but arts and crafts can be a great way to pass the time with your preschooler. Keep an eye out for future blogs with specific crafts, but you’d be surprised how much fun young kids have with generic supplies and freedom! Try covering a LARGE space (think the whole dining table or the whole floor in their play area) with waterproof protection (I typically use taped down trash bags because I always have them on hand). Then set out craft supplies: plenty of paper, crayons, markers, watercolors (because they’re washable), glue, little craft pompoms, and anything else you have around the house. Let them create whatever they want!

2. Reading – Most people know how important reading is for preschoolers to set a foundation for lifelong learning. When you’re stuck inside, you can take some time to create a fun reading space for your little one… and then set a timer for 5-10 minutes for them to “read” on their own. As they get practice being on their own, you can slowly increase the timer. It’ll add to the time you have to get things done, PLUS it helps increase their school attention endurance.

3. Dance Party – Put on some music and have a dance party with your little one! This activity will not only provide physical exercise but it's also fun for everyone. Have them show off their moves while deepening your bond and making so many fun memories! The benefits of music are countless, so include this activity to experience them all.

Keeping your preschooler inside doesn't have to be hard when you have simple ideas like these at your disposal! Whether it's arts & crafts or reading stories together, there's something for everyone- even if you don't feel artistic yourself (you don't need any special skills - just an open mind!). So go ahead- unleash your inner creativity today and create lasting memories with your little ones!