Make (mostly free) Fun Family Memories THIS Weekend

Make (mostly free) Fun Family Memories THIS Weekend
The weekend is here, so you might be looking for new ways to make memories—but without breaking the bank. What kind of activities can you do that won’t take too long, are relatively inexpensive, and will create memories that last? You just need a  little bit of creativity!

Have a Picnic at the Park…
But not just a regular picnic! Give each of your kids a budget of what they can spend at the store for supplies and let THEM choose what to bring for your meal! You can still throw in some extra items from home, but try to let them take the lead on the food planning… you may be surprised what they put together. Bring along a couple activities (like a frisbee or ball or bocce ball) and play a few family games. Best part of the picnic? You’re making amazing memories that won’t cost much.

Go on an Nature Walk
Grab a paper bag or shoe box (do people still have those lying around?) and head outside! Encourage your little one (or your big kid) to gather pieces of nature that they find interesting or beautiful or unique. When you get home, pull out some artsy supplies and let your kids create! If they’re older and want inspiration, challenge them to recreate a famous painting using what they’ve collected from your walk. I love this one because it gets your kids outside and active, PLUS it gets their artistic juices flowing. Bonus… this one is also easy on the budget.

Have a “Stop and See Day”!
These made some of my favorite memories from growing up… even though I don’t necessarily remember any of the specific places we ended up stopping! The basic idea is that the whole family gets in the car and you start driving. As the parent, you may want to have a general idea of an ending point (possibly a place to eat or the beach or a park) and along the way, everyone in the family gets to choose one place to “stop and see.”  Maybe one of your kids sees a cool plant on the side of the road and wants to explore the store behind it. Maybe another kid sees a cool play structure at a park or a funny sign that they want to follow. The possibilities are endless, the cost is minimal, and the memories are priceless. You can also add variations as you go, but the basic is all you need for a fun family adventure that is unique every time!

When it comes to engaging with your kids over the weekend… without spending lots of money… there are plenty of options available.  At the end of the day, you can look through pictures and all share your favorite parts of the day. Get started with one of my ideas and share your own suggestions in the comments below!