Make (mostly free) Fun Family Memories THIS Weekend

Make (mostly free) Fun Family Memories THIS Weekend
The weekend is here, so you might be looking for new ways to make memories—but without breaking the bank. What kind of activities can you do that won’t take too long, are relatively inexpensive, and will create memories that last? You just need a  little bit of creativity!

Have a Picnic at the Park…
But not just a regular picnic! Give each of your kids a budget and let THEM choose what to bring for your meal!

Go on a Nature Walk
Grab a paper bag or shoe box (do people still have those lying around?) and head outside!

Have a “Stop and See Day”!
These made some of my favorite memories from growing up… even though I don’t necessarily remember any of the specific places we ended up stopping!

I Hate Poopy Diapers: The Basics of Elimination Communication

I Hate Poopy Diapers: The Basics of Elimination Communication
Do you hate changing poopy diapers?

Are you looking for a gentle way to help your baby learn how to use the potty?

If so, elimination communication (EC) is a great option to consider!

Why EC? 

• Fewer poopy diapers & fewer diapers overall...
• Less frequent diaper rash...
• Cost savings...
• Environmentally friendly...
• Bonding with your baby...
Elimination Communication: Why and How